Hello ladies, as you know, I have combination skin and I have been searching for quite some time for a cosmetic product that would keep my skin nourished and balanced during nighttime. An amazing product that I came across is a night balm for combination to oily skin by Decleor. This is an absolutely natural balm, made of the essential oils from herbs, which makes the wrinkes and other imperfections less visible. You can use it at night by applying a small amount of it onto your skin, while gently massaging your face. After some time of using it, you will notice that your skin is cleaner, smoother and softer and your wrinkles almost disappeared. I absolutely love this product and I suggest you try it out too!
For more informations, find us on instagram: http://instagram.com/modestie.beaute
Cao drage moje, kao sto znate, ja imam kombinovan tip koze, dugo vremena sam pokusavala da nadjem nesto sto bi mogla da koristim i sto bi moglo da hrani i balansira moju kozu tokom noci. Izvanredan proizvod koji sam pronasla i kojim sam prosto oduseveljena jeste DECLEOR nocni balzam za masnu do kombinovanu kozu. Ovo je 100% prirodan balzam, napravljen od esencijalnih ulja i biljaka, koji regulise visak sebuma tokom noci, uklanja nepravilnosti a pre svega redukuje pore. Mozete ga koristiti uvece, uzmete malu kolicinu, zagrejete izmedju dlanova i nezno umasirate na licu. Vasa koza ce biti sledeceg jutra nezna, cista, meka i pore ce biti vidljivo smanjene. Ja obozavam ovaj proizvod i rado vam ga preporucujem. Da li biste zeleli da ga probate? Mozete nas pratiti i na INSTAGRAMU ovde : http://instagram.com/modestie.beaute