Hat, fur hat or knitted cap
I don't like winter at all. The only thing that can cheer me up during this period is festive atmosphere, and since that I'm a fan of all kinds of accessories, at last time, it can cheer me up a multitude of winter accessories on the shelves of boutiques that I chase by my view, daily :) These are mostly knitted caps, scarves and gloves. Last winter, I usually wore knitted caps in various colors which are interwoven with gold or silver threads. I also wore a white fur hat that I found in my mum's closet.
It was a complete fashion hit for me ,indeed, all people was impressed with that hat.
I saw on some facebook pages that knitted capps are in offer, these caps are stitched with various details such as decorative little stones, pearl beads. They are all beautiful. I certainly will buy a few caps. However, things that attracted my attention lately are floppy wool hats in modern autumn colors. They fit perfectly with the elegant coats and with them you will look elegant and stylish, you will be consireded for a lady of style. For me, the most beautiful hats are in olive, burgundy and beige color. So, with a few caps, one fur hat and with several floppy hats, there's no winter for me this year. :)
What do you think about these accessories ? What are your favorite, and which would
you choose this winter?
Sesir, subara ili kapa :)
volim zimu uopste. Jedino sto me u tom periodu moze oraspolaziti je
praznicna atmosfera, a posto sam ljubitelj svih vrsta aksesoara cesto me
oraspolozi mnostvo zimskog aksesoara na rafovima u buticima koje
svakodnevno lovim pogledom ;) To su uglavnom kape, salovi, rukavice.
Prosle zime sam uglavnom nosila pletene kape u raznim bojama prozete
zlatnim ili srebrnim nitima. Takodje sam nosila belu krznenu subaru koju
sam pronasla u maminom ormanu. Ona je bila potpuni hit za mene i
zaista, svi su bili odusevljeni tim komadom. Skoro sam na nekim fb
stranicama videla da su u ponudi pletene kape na koje su zasiveni
razni detalji poput ukrasnih kamencica, bisernih kuglica i dr.
I zaista sve su prelepe, opredelicu se sigurno za nekoliko kapica. Medjutim, ono sto mi je u poslednje vreme dosta privuklo paznju jesu takozvani floppy sesiri od vune u akutelnim jesenjim bojama. Oni se savrseno uklapaju uz elegantne kapute i
i sa njima cete izgledati elegantnoo i stilizovano, i vaziti za damu od stila. Meni su najlepsi oni u maslinastoj, bez i bordo boji. Tako da sa nekoliko kapa, jednom subarom i par sesira ove zime nema zime za mene :)
I zaista sve su prelepe, opredelicu se sigurno za nekoliko kapica. Medjutim, ono sto mi je u poslednje vreme dosta privuklo paznju jesu takozvani floppy sesiri od vune u akutelnim jesenjim bojama. Oni se savrseno uklapaju uz elegantne kapute i
i sa njima cete izgledati elegantnoo i stilizovano, i vaziti za damu od stila. Meni su najlepsi oni u maslinastoj, bez i bordo boji. Tako da sa nekoliko kapa, jednom subarom i par sesira ove zime nema zime za mene :)
Sta vi mislite o ovim aksesoarima?
Koji su vasi omiljeni, i za sta biste ste se vi opredelile ove zime?
Adorable hats!
Yes, they are really beautiful!
Избришиaw these are super cute!
Thanks ;)))
ИзбришиGreat beanies!
Thanks, beauty flower!
ИзбришиThanks a lot Gina! You also have a lovely day!
ОдговориИзбришиAmazing hats!